Kendrew Quad Gallery, St. John’s College, Oxford 2019 The drawings of Promised Land mark the end of the US expansion to the west. They explore the end of the ideas of Manifest Destiny and the American Dream. A person who believes in their dreams is said to be delusional. The effects of this belief are visible in the artefacts of the inhabitants, the infrastructures of the city of Los Angeles and the illusions in its surrounding deserts.PROMISED LAND Kendrew Quad Gallery, St. John’s College, Oxford 2019 The drawings of Promised Land mark the end of the US expansion to the west. They explore the end of the ideas of Manifest Destiny and the American Dream. A person who believes in their dreams is said to be delusional. The effects of this belief are visible in the artefacts of the inhabitants, the infrastructures of the city of Los Angeles and the illusions in its surrounding deserts. |